Thursday, July 28, 2011


I don't know about you, but things are getting pretty nutty in the world of...mirrors.

Call me a purist, but I want full attention given to my own appearance when coming mano y mano with a mirror. Checking hair, applying lipgloss, fixing a renegade bra strap are all normal mirror activities.
So it begs the question...what is NOT a normal mirror activity?
See exhibit A (or photo at left) Yes, that is CNN Politics IN THE MIRROR! I don't know about you, but as evidenced by the expression on my face...I am horrified. I don't wanna see John King, James Carville, or for the love of God that Wolf-man Blitzer with his "cool trimmed beard" talking to me, looking at me all creepo-like as I'm trying to have my lady time in the rest room. Even that cuddly Sanjay Gupta. No thanks.

Consider yourself warned. Mirrors are not just for vanity anymore. They are apparently for...politics.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hi there and welcome to my blog! That's me to the left giving my blog a little love before sending it off to you. You should know I work in an office with glass walls, so imagine how normal it looked to see me taking this picture (and the 20 test shots that followed) of me hugging my monitor.

And I digress...

If you have clicked on LizBiz you have clicked on a party. (But please don't throw confetti as that's a bitch to clean up...)

I am new to this so I guess we should get to know each other a bit and maybe I should outline my goals for this blog at this moment in time.

LizBiz is meant to be entertaining.
At times it might be snarky, thoughtful, mindless and controversial.
LizBiz is never meant to be truly mean or boring. Mostly boring as that is the worst thing anyone could ever say about me or my blog.

Another humdinger of a goal is to title each blog entry with a ONE WORD title and go from there. I am inspired by pictures I take for the most part. Or my dreams.
Is this the place where I mention I went to Gettysburg College? Don't get me wrong, "The Burg" is a fine liberal arts institution (NOT IN VIRGINIA) where I majored in sorority life and going abroad to Spain. (Read: Well-rounded, not rocket-scientry. Did I spell that right? Scientry? Looks weird...)

Anyhow, ENJOY!
I love comments! I love attention! (fatal flaw but I feel like I can be vulnerable with you.)

Your friend,
